A Handy Compendium of Common Terms Used In The Context Of LLMs — Part 1

Murali Kashaboina
2 min readApr 21, 2024


Glossary of LLM terms for handy reference…

Photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash

I’ve put together a handy compendium of basic terms commonly used in the context of large language models (LLM) that I thought could be helpful for anyone interested. Initially, I created it for my own reference, but then I realized that it could benefit many others.

This Part 1 includes Series 1, 2, and 3 of frequently used terms in the context of LLMs. I’ll be releasing subsequent parts as I compile more information. While these series mainly focus on LLM terms, I’ve also created a separate compendium for multi-modal Gen-AI models that I’m yet to format. I’ll publish it under a different title later.

Without further ado, here they are. I must mention that the descriptions are kept intentionally simple and concise, in plain English, so that everyone can benefit from the concepts, minimizing the technical explanations.

Series 1

Series 1 of the Glossary of LLM Terms — Image By Author

Series 2

Series 2 of the Glossary of LLM Terms — Image By Author

Series 3

Series 3 of the Glossary of LLM Terms — Image By Author

I hope you found part 1 of the compendium helpful. Stay tuned for part 2 which I will publish shortly! Please leave comments accordingly.



Murali Kashaboina

AI Aficionado/Practitioner | Entrepreneur | Industry Speaker | PhD Researcher AI/ML/DS